How to Cancel McAfee Subscription and Get a Refund?

If you are dissatisfied with McAfee or its services, you may be able to get your money back under certain conditions. This service is only accessible to qualified McAfee customers who meet the McAfee refund criteria. The sort of product you have, your subscription plan, the time of purchase, and where you acquired it are all factors that will determine whether or not you receive a refund.

It is the responsibility of McAfee Customer Service personnel to determine who is really entitled to a refund and who is not. Following that, you will get your refund using the same method that you used to make your purchase. After receiving your refund, you should uninstall the program immediately since your license will be deactivated for future usage.

Important: You will not be refunded the appropriate tax amount, as well as shipping and handling fees.

Who qualifies for a McAfee refund?

A McAfee subscriber who is utilizing McAfee Consumer products and the purchase was made within the last 30 days is eligible for a refund.

Those who have a McAfee monthly subscription, on the other hand, are not eligible. You may always go to the website to learn more about the qualifying requirements.

To receive a refund, the subscriber must cancel their membership or disable the auto-renewal function before the product's expiry date. If you have already been charged under the auto-renewal scheme, you can cancel and receive a refund within 60 days.

How can you cancel or deactivate McAfee's auto-renewal?

Note: McAfee strongly advises against canceling the auto-renewal because it is required to provide your device with continuous security. If you still want to do so, you may disable auto-renewal by following these steps:

  • First, open your chosen web browser.
  • Enter into the search box.
  • Then, at the top, navigate to the 'My Account area.
  • Select the ‘Sign In' option from this menu.
  • You must also give your registered email address, which you used to make the transaction.
  • Following that, you will be prompted to enter your password for the connected account.
  • Then, choose the 'Login' option once more.
  • Now, place your cursor on the 'My Account page once more.
  • Examine the ‘Auto-Renewal' options screen that appears.
  • You can see if auto-renewal is enabled or disabled on this screen.
  • If you purchased several subscriptions, go over the specifics of each one.
  • Select one of the goods and move the toggle to the off position.
  • You must click ‘Yes' to confirm your action.

As soon as you do so, you will no longer be charged for the McAfee subscription. If you want to obtain your McAfee refund. You must contact the “McAfee Activate” executives listed on the page.

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